Underwood (07) 3219 9806 Calamvale (07) 3273 3220

Oral Surgery

At Healthy Smile Dental, we understand that oral surgery or extractions can be a stressful experience, which is why we offer a general anaesthetic option for those who prefer to have this procedure performed at a private hospital.

Dental extractions may be necessary for a number of oral conditions, including:

  • A broken or decayed tooth that cannot be saved nor restored.
  • A tooth that is affected periodontally – the surrounding bone and gums have receded, resulting in loosening of the tooth.
  • A infected tooth with permanent damage.
  • Orthodontic treatment.
  • A patient who prefers not to restore or save the affected tooth.


At Healthy Smile, all oral surgery is performed while patients are under local anaesthesia (LA). To further reduce discomfort, happy gas (nitrous oxide)  is also avaliable.